Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 6

Today was somewhat disorganized as far as having a place to shoot was not available went. So, with this taken into consideration, my team and I decided to start imputing the assortment of footage we had collected the previous week into the computers at AHS to begin editing the LINK project. This was somewhat difficult due to some unfortunate conversion errors that happened between Zach's camera and the hard drive we were using to transfer the files into Final Cut Pro, but eventually we were able to make all the footage work in the new computer.

It was cool being able to see all of the shots and interviews we took the previous week on a large screen and have the ability to edit said footage. I began to notice that the camera we were using was capturing some of the best video I've ever worked with which is great for the final project.  am very excited to release the first ever LINK promotional video in high definition. Below is the copy of the HOS Talk that was aired on Friday. We received a very positive reaction for this HOS Talk and many people went as far as to say it was the best yet!

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